What To Expect
Planning a visit? Here is what to expect on a typical Sunday.

Parking is available next to the main church building, as well as, across the street next to the Christian Center. Handicap parking is provided in both parking lots andin front of the buildings to allow for easy access to the ground floor entrance. Parking assistants will be stationed tohelp guide you to where you need to go.

First Impressions
You will be greeted by one of our First Impressions Team members, stationed at each entrance. Just look for someone wearing a How Can I Help? lanyard tag. If you have any questions they are trained and ready to help.

The Coffee Corner
Enjoy a free cup of coffee, tea or hot-cocoa at The Coffee Corner. You’ll find a member of the First Impressions Team located at the counter, ready to serve, as well as, answer any questions you may have. Stay to connect with others.

Worship Service Schedule
Worship service starts at 9:30 am. Join us for a time of worship with music, preaching of relevant biblical messages, communion, offering and prayer. Additionally, Children’s Church and nursery are provided during worship service.

Children’s Church Ministry
The Children’s Church worship experience is geared towards the child. We strive to build self-esteem, communicate God’s love, and provide solid knowledge of the Bible. This is done through singing, lesson time, crafts and games.